Welcome to our DISDH kindergarten, the only German-Dutch kindergarten in The Hague: A place to feel happy!

You are taking your child to kindergarten for the first time. This is an exciting step for you and your child. We are well aware of this like no one else, and our experienced, highly qualified team is committed to helping you and your child make it a positive experience. Our institution offers a safe and loving environment where your child will feel comfortable from the very beginning. We not only support your child’s development, but also accompany every new step.

We also know that some children have already gained experience in other institutions. For these children, we organise the transition in a particularly sensitive and individual way to ensure that they settle in quickly and well with us. Our team is committed to making all families feel welcome.

Let’s start the exciting journey together and explore the world step by step!

Preservation and promotion of the German language

In our German kindergarten, your child will be in a German-speaking environment; this is particularly important for the preservation and development of the German mother tongue. This allows your child to maintain and develop their German language skills in an international environment in a natural and playful environment.

Bilingual education

At our German International Kindergarten in The Hague, children are encouraged to speak both German and Dutch. We have deliberately chosen Dutch as the second language to ensure a successful integration in the host country. This promotes linguistic diversity and guarantees a good start with acquaintances and friends in the neighbourhood, on the playground and in clubs. For legal and – what is even more important for our children – educational reasons, we do not offer a third language as the majority of our international children (for example) grow up with a wide variety of languages in their families.

Highly qualified educators

Another advantage is that most of our highly qualified, state-approved educators have been trained in Germany. German kindergarten elementary education is known far beyond the borders of Germany for its child-centred, holistic and highly development-promoting approach. Our educational staff have this sound pedagogical training and extensive experience, which guarantees high-quality care and support. In addition, our team is enriched by a Dutch educator who has also received excellent pedagogical training. This puts us in the unique position of being able to offer this professional and diverse care which completes our pedagogical concept.

Cultural exchange

Our kindergarten attaches great importance to cultural exchange. By living our German culture in everyday life, by celebrating well-known German traditions and rituals throughout the year, and by integrating Dutch culture and customs into our everyday life, the children gain a broad cultural perspective and at the same time get a better understanding of their own roots. In addition, all other the nations and cultures of our families are equally valued in everyday life – for example, we greet each other in the morning with a song in the languages of all the children. Everyday life is also characterised by mutual respect and the promotion of understanding of customs other than we may be familiar with. This fosters tolerance and openness to new things and cultures.


By attending our kindergarten, families make valuable connections with other German-speaking families. Such networks are very valuable for both parents and children as they can share common experiences. They also form a valuable social network in an initially foreign country.

Smooth transitions

The kindergarten is integrated into our primary school with its own preschool and our secondary school, which is a great advantage for children who wish to make a seamless transition into the German education system. Our curricula are based on the German kindergarten and school curriculum, allowing for a smooth transition to the school system in their home country or other countries.

For more Info please click the headlines.

Our educational concept: holistic support

Bilingual care: German-Dutch

Reliable and up-to-date childcare services

Creative and inspiring environment

Organic meals

Admission throughout the year with individual and gentle settling-in

DISDH Team Kindergarten

Our kindergarten teachers: experienced and highly qualified


Part of the DISDH school community




We would like to give you and your child the opportunity to get a personal impression of our holistic and high-quality offer. We cordially invite you and your child to visit our educational institution after making an individual appointment. On this occasion, we can also answer any questions you may have. We look forward to meeting you and your child.


Just get in touch with us here.

“Our three children visited the DISDH kindergarten years ago. There they felt so comfortable that they still bake cookies for their former kindergarten carers every year at Christmas. It is really something very special to have kindergarten, primary and secondary school under one roof.”

Anja Bruma

“The DISDH kindergarten is full of laughter, warm-heartedness and varied child-friendly topics/activities.”

Barbara Andersen

“Our daughter absolutely loves going to the DISDH kindergarten every day! I can totally understand why. As soon as she gets greeted, you realise how respectful and child-friendly the teachers are towards the children, which is so lovely to see.”

Simon Bäther